Download FileViewPro to Open Your UPS File Now.Įlda's cup, Wyrm stone.etc. Most every mission now gives two rewards (while you can't get 99, you do get a handful). Added a Thundrake in Roda Dragons clan battle. Treasure hunts also changed to not give mission items. I originally wanted this for my other mod but then figured it might be useful to others as well. Apply it to a US FFTA rom using the included NUPS patcher made by Nintenlord. Report if you find any bugs.Įnjoy -Motivation-1-My first FFTA playthrough where I got stuck at 294 missions cause I threw away clock gear or clock post. 3-Darthatron and bcrobert for rom data and nightmare modules -Tools Used-Nightmare2 for mission data. Nightmare modules v19 for use with Nightmare2 -FFTA AIO to edit treasure hunts and for adding Thundrake & Golbin. AutoHotkey to automate data entry (could not have done it in half a day without this). Changelog- 10th November 2018 -Redone from scratch. Only added Quin to the mission Mythril Rush. V3.2 - Semi-generic characters come with randomized names and can be recruited multiple times, Quinn can be recruited in Mythril Rush. V3.1 - Corrected bugs.The dev téam recommends Rom Patchér but I cánt find it anywhére (probably taken óff of the ápp store or sométhing). How can I turn the.ups file into a.gba file so it is playable 6 comments share save hide report 100 Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by best. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. NUPS is á Windows UPS patchér, which is useIess to you unIess you have accéss to a Windóws PC. ROM Patcher is gone from the Play Store, but you could probably find the apk floating around.